March 31, 2006

March Pictures

Hi everybody,
I know, I know. I need write more often, but they don't let me get on the internet much these days. I'm doing fine and talking up a storm. I'm learning new words everyday. I can also count to 20 in, hai, ba, bon, nam, sau, bay, tam, chin, moui and so on... and I can form complete sentences like "I need some more chocolate!" or "We need to go to the park now!" or "I don't want to go to bed!". Of course, I don't get what I want, but at least I try. Here are some recent pictures of me. I promise to write more, so come back soon.

I really like my bicycle. I ride around town quite often.

Here I am at the park. It was windy that day.

Jackie and I have gotten really close. She lets me pet and hold her sometimes.

Posted by Tam at 10:36 AM | Comments (503)