October 20, 2005

My So-Called Life

Hi. This is Madison. My dad said I should take over my blog. He will type it if I tell him what to write. Let's see, I'm 21 months old right now. I can't believe I'm this old already. I don't remember much of the first year, except I did a lot of screaming and yelling to get what I want. And I'm good at that.

Here is a normal breakdown of my days. I usually wake up around 6 or 6:30am. I pretend to cry, so someone would come and get me. My mom is usually up and I hear her walking around. I cry a little louder and finally she comes in and says hello. I usually give her a big smile and extend my arms out to be picked up. She moves me over to the changing table and changes my diaper. Sometime it's clean and sometimes it's not, depending on what I ate the night before. It's not my fault.

She takes me to the bathroom and washes my face a little, and then we go the kitchen and she fixes me breakfast. She thinks I need to eat more protein and makes me scrambled eggs and bacon, which are okay. Some mornings, I get to eat sweet stuff like blueberry waffles, or peanut butter jelly sandwich, or Cherios with milk, or a big Pop Tart. Delicious! Sometimes I put up a big stink, cause I'm not hungry and she makes me eat. No fair.

After that, my mom dresses me to go to school, or daycare, as older people would say. I have a lot of pretty dresses, but my fav is a pink dress, that she only lets me wear once in a while. After I'm dressed, I get to sit in my little blue chair and watch some Baby Einstein videos, while my mom gets ready for work. I've seen each DVD probably a hundred times, but for some reason, I'm addicted to them and can't get enough. Just don't bother me when I'm watching my videos.

Then we drive to school and I get to see my classmates. I'm in Toddlers 2 and there are 8 of us: Emily (I call her Em), another Emily (I also call her Em), Sims, Blake, Caroline, Connor, and Maison. My teachers are Ms. Trice and Ms. Pat Pat. Basically, I play all day, do some projects, each lunch, take a nap, play some more, and then I sit and wait for my mom or dad to come get me. If my dad comes, then he usually takes me to the park. I make sure he doesn't forget by shouting, "PARK!! PARK!!"

Once we get home, it's dinner and my favorite foods right now are: chicken, corn, macaroni, fish, bread, potato chips and cheese. I can't get enough of cheese for some reason. For desserts, I usually get apple sauce, bananas, strawberries, watermelon or cookies. Most of the time, I just want to eat sweet stuff, but they won't give it to me. They want me to try other foods, but I don't want to. I think I'm going to be a conservative when I'm older.

After dinner, it's play time and I get to run around the house, read some books, watch more Einstein videos, feed Jackie (our little Chihauhau) a snack, or play with my toys. Sometimes, my mom or dad will give me a tricycle ride around the neighborhood. Around 7pm, I get a quick bath and then it's beddy, beddy time. My dad brushes my teeth before bed so I don't get cavities. Then they take me to my room, put on some soothing music, turn off the lights, and begin singing me a song. My favorite song is You Are My Sunshine, which would put me to sleep in less than a minute.

That's the end of my day. The weekends are more fun because I don't have school and can scream and yell at the top of my lungs. Fun times! I have to go now. Next time, I will tell you about my teddy bear buddies and what I'm wearing for Halloween.

Posted by Tam at 05:12 PM | Comments (5800)